Archive for the ‘ALM Performance’ Category

Coming Soon: ALM Performance monitoring v1.7 for Jenkins, ClearCase and ClearQuest

  Our new performance monitoring tool is coming soon, and it’s better than ever! What’s new? New API that enables you to dynamically duplicate and remove monitored hosts New integration with ChatOp tools: Slack and Atlassian HipChat Easier installation More accurate email alerts (to avoid email burden) New thresholds New checks unique for Jenkins masters […]

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New: Uptime and Network Latency Charts

As part of our recent release of the ALM Performance monitoring tool, we are offering two new charts: an Uptime chart and a network latency chart. We provide these charts embedded in a daily email you can get every morning right into your inbox, and it displays the availability of given hosts you’d like to […]

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ALM Performance 1.6.1 is Out!

Today we are releasing the newest version, 1.6.1, of our performance monitoring tool. This version comes after we released version 1.6 about 3 weeks ago, and it contains some improvements we made after we collected feedback from our users. See the dashboard: As a reminder, we offer both Free Edition and Pro Edition, and you […]

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3 Most Frequent Questions We Got About Our New Monitoring & Alerting tool

Since we released our latest version 1.6 two weeks ago, including a new free edition we are offering, many users have installed it and we’ve received many questions about the tool. Here you can read the 3 most popular questions that we’ve been asked. We are sharing them since we realize that there are many […]

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ALMtoolbox presents smart performance monitoring and alerting tool, including Free Community Edition

Tel Aviv, Israel – June 28, 2016 –  IBM Champion ALMtoolbox, Inc., a firm with offices in the United States and Israel, today announced availability of a free Community edition product called ALM Performance, based upon ALM Performance Pro, their award-winning environment monitoring commercial solution. The Community edition of ALM Performance provides a comprehensive set […]

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New: ALM Performance v1.6 is out!

We are happy to announce the new release of ALM Performance v1.6, our monitoring and alerting tool for Jenkins, ClearCase, ClearQuest. Since the release of the previous release (v1.5) a month ago, we have received and incorporated feedback from many of our users and we have tried to address all of needs with this latest version. This […]

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New: ALM Performance v1.5 is out!

We’re happy to announce the new release of ALM Performance v1.5, our monitoring and alerting tool for Jenkins, ClearCase, ClearQuest (formerly known as ALM Vitality tool). This development cycle was intensive – we received and incorporated feedback from many of our users and we have tried to answer all needs with this latest version. We’re […]

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