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Il s'agit d'un outil de provisioning d'infrastructure créé par HashiCorp. L'outil vous permet de décrire l'infrastructure en tant que code, de créer des « plans d’exécution » qui définissent exactement ce qui se passera lorsque le code s'exécutera, de créer un graphique des ressources et d'automatiser les changements sans intervention manuelle.
Terraform utilise son propre langage définitionnel (HCL). Il s'agit d'un langage compatible JSON utilisé pour créer des fichiers de configuration décrivant les ressources d'infrastructure sur le point d'être déployés.
Terraform fonctionne avec tous les clouds courants (y compris AWS Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Google GCP, VMware, OpenStack, Oracle, IBM Cloud, Alibaba) et permet l'automatisation face à tous les systèmes, simultanément et avec l'approche «Mutli Cloud».
Vous pouvez également utiliser Terraform pour intégrer des services tiers, et vous pouvez également écrire des extensions sur Terraform (en écrivant des plugins).
Feature |
Open SourceProvision any infrastructure |
Enterprise ProCollaboration and operations features for teams Pour un devis |
Enterprise PremiumGovernance and policy features for organizations Pour un devis |
Support | - | Silver support: 9x5 support with SLA ( Monday - Friday) |
Gold support: 24x7 support with SLA |
Features | |||
Infrastructure as code
Infrastructure is described using a high-level configuration syntax. This allows a blueprint of your datacenter to be versioned and treated as you would any other code. Additionally, infrastructure can be shared and reused.
Runs (separate plan and apply)
Terraform has a 'planning' step where it generates an execution plan. The execution plan shows what Terraform will do when you call apply. This lets you avoid any surprises when Terraform manipulates infrastructure.
Resource Graph
Terraform builds a dependency graph from the Terraform configurations, and walks this graph to generate plans, refresh state, and more. This allows a visual of a configuration with `terraform graph`, you can see all nodes present.
Providers (125+)
Terraform supports over 70 infrastructure providers including commonly used cloud. Terraform allows a single configuration to be used to manage multiple providers, and to even handle cross-cloud dependencies. This simplifies management and orchestration, helping operators build large-scale multi-cloud infrastructures.
Public module registry
The Module Registry is a openly available at and provides verified Terraform modules to give Terraform users easy access to templates for setting up and running their cloud-based infrastructure.
Team management
Terraform Enterprise's organizational and access control model is based on three units: users, teams, and organizations.
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Workspace management and GUI
A GUI-based workflow for teams of operators to collaborate on infrastructure provisioning and management.
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Version control connection
Terraform Enterprise can integrate with your version control software to automatically execute Terraform with your latest Terraform configuration as you commit changes to source control.
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Secure variable management
The Terraform Enterprise UI you can add, edit, and delete all Terraform variables from the view on your Workspace.
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Remote runs & state
Terraform Enterprise stores the state of your managed infrastructure from the last time Terraform was run. The state is stored remotely with Terraform Enterprise, which works better in a team environment, allowing you to store, version and collaborate on state.
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Private Module Registry
Organizations using the Terraform Enterprise Module Registry can have IT operators serve as experienced “producers,” who create the infrastructure templates, and developers or less experienced operators as “consumers,” who can easily provision infrastructure following best practices with pre-built modules.
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Configuration Designer
The configuration designer lets you outline a configuration for a new workspace by choosing any number of private modules.
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Full API
Expansive API coverage for organizations to integrate Terraform into their existing environments and tooling.
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SaaS Install
Terraform Enterprise is provided as a cloud-based service and hosted by HashiCorp.
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Silver support: 9x5 support w/ SLA | - | ||
Sentinel, policy as code management
Using Sentinel, a simple, flexible language, an organization's central IT team can write their own, very specific policies and embed them into the Terraform provisioning workflow.
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Enhances governance and secure sign-on capabilities for organizations using Terraform Enterprise. SAML eliminates all passwords and instead uses standard cryptography and digital signatures to pass a secure sign-in token from an identity provider to Terraform Enterprise.
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Audit logging
The Terraform Enterprise UI displays a view of all infrastructure changes that have occurred and provides run notifications when configured.
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Private install
Terraform Enterprise can be installed on your private infrastructure (AWS / on-premises etc.)
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Gold support: 24x7 support w/ SLA | - | - | |
Pricing | Free | Pour un devis | Pour un devis |
Nous offrons une variété de tutorielsTerraform pour les groupes privés (intra-organisationnels) et des cours publics. Concernant les installations, la configuration et les modules.
Nos instructeurs sont très expérimentés dans Terraforme et en cas d’usage pratiques. De plus amples informations peuvent être obtenues en envoyant un e-mail à
Our developers at Adobe found HashiCorp Vault to be "head and shoulders" above anything else we tested
Chandler Allphin, Lead Security Engineer, Adobe