November 22, 2022 ¬ 12:22 pmh.Tamir Gefen
We are often asked from time to time whether GitLab has a floating license mechanism (or concurrent users) and whether there is a way to save money on licensing. The frequency of those questions has increased in the last year since GitLab Starter was deprecated, as the enterprise options are more expensive now (including GitLab […]
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GitLab, GitLab CIGitlab concurrent users, gitlab subscription, Gitlab-pricing, Gltlab floating license, Gltlab floating users, How to reduce cost of gitlab, how to save money on gitlab, Save money gitlab enterprise, Save money gitlab premium, Save money gitlab ultimate, Save money
September 2, 2020 ¬ 7:03 pmh.Tamir Gefen
Yesterday GitLab announced that effective next month (October 2020) they will reduce the limit of free CI/CD minutes. As you know, GitLab Cloud ( provides shared CI/CD runners, i.e. virtual machines on which you can run your build, test and other jobs. For example, we at ALM-Toolbox use them to run programs, which regularly create […]
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