Posts Tagged ‘compliance’

What are the Differences Between GitLab Premium and GitLab Ultimate?

Learn what are the differences between GitLab Premium and Ultimate and download a full features list of GitLab Ultimate

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How to gain Software Compliance using GitLab ?

In the next article I will explain what Software Compliance is And how the GitLab system can help you achieve this effectively. At the end of the article, there is also access to download an up-to-date and detailed table that we have prepared, detailing all the Compliance capabilities included in GitLab. What is Software Compliance […]

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Code Security and Compliance using GitLab

Besides version control and CI/CD, GitLab also offers a variety of security tests on your proprietary code (code you develop) or external code you use (i.e. open source), as well as code compliance capabilities – to help you ensure that you make proper and legal use of any open source libraries and code snippets. In […]

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    * Are you using any AI tools today? What tools?


    Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?

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      * Full Name

      * Work Email

      Are you using any SCA solution? Which one?


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        * Work Email

        * Are you using OpenProject?

        Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?


          * Full Name

          * Work Email

          * Are you using any Secrets Management solution? Which one?
