Archive for the ‘Metrics’ Category

New GitLab features for 2020 – Retrospective and Insights

New Year is a great time to summarize the past year! So let’s see what happened with GitLab product. This time I decided to focus on new features that were released in 2020 and to represent some interesting data and insights as charts. As providers of DevOps and ALM solutions (and partners of GitLab company […]

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New Video: Introducing ALM Performance Monitoring & Alerting for Jenkins

For the first time, we now provide a Free Community Edition of our performance monitoring & alerting tool for ClearCase ClearQuest and Jenkins. You can quickly get email alerts when something goes wrong with machine or application, and you can even define thresholds aligned to your needs. Yes it’s free! We provide both Free and […]

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Why R&D Reporter?

R&D Reporter ( is a ClearCase add-on tool that provides development status reports, metrics and charts. We’re often asked what makes our R&D Reporter for ClearCase so special and why it’s better than in-house scripting. Here is a list of the unique value proposition of R&D Reporter (feel free to share with your boss and colleagues): […]

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Coming soon with ClearCase: new Lines-of-code chart per code language

Do you have to provide a report on how many code lines have been added, changed and deleted for each code language separately? Soon it will be possible with R&D Reporter for ClearCase. Furthermore, it provides you with the metrics in the specific context that you’re looking for: when comparing two baselines, two streams, two […]

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New: Getting Lines of Code Metrics and Code Churn for ClearCase ClearQuest

We’ve just released a new paper that explains what Lines of Code (LOC) metrics are; the advantages of measuring LOC, and how we can help you get the metrics and charts from within YOUR ClearCase. The paper is now available to download for free here: Click to download LOC paper

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    * Are you using any AI tools today? What tools?


    Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?

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      * Full Name

      * Work Email

      Are you using any SCA solution? Which one?


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        * Work Email

        * Are you using OpenProject?

        Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?


          * Full Name

          * Work Email

          * Are you using any Secrets Management solution? Which one?
