Posts Tagged ‘Software licenses’

Have Remaining 2017 Budget? Use it Now

It’s hard to believe that 2017 is almost complete… As the busy holiday season approaches, don’t forget to take full advantage of your remaining 2017 budget by having a look at our offering for Git/GitLab, ClearCase/ClearQuest or any other ALM toolset (including Atlassian, SmartBear and many other vendors). It’s a definite win-win. Contact our sales team […]

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    * Full Name

    * Work Email

    * Are you using any AI tools today? What tools?


    Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?

    --> <!---->

      * Full Name

      * Work Email

      Are you using any SCA solution? Which one?


        * Full Name

        * Work Email

        * Are you using OpenProject?

        Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?


          * Full Name

          * Work Email

          * Are you using any Secrets Management solution? Which one?
