Posts Tagged ‘gitlab 15.3’

What’s New in GitLab 15

Last update: January 23th 2023 (GitLab 15.8) GitLab 15 was recently released and we’ve made two unique lists of GitLab features: All New Features in GitLab 15 All NEW features (since June 2018) separated by editions, release, popularity criteria, stage, video and more, so you can easily filter it out by your preferred criteria ALL GitLab Features ALL GitLab Features separate by […]

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    * Full Name

    * Work Email

    * Are you using any AI tools today? What tools?


    Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?

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      * Full Name

      * Work Email

      Are you using any SCA solution? Which one?


        * Full Name

        * Work Email

        * Are you using OpenProject?

        Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before the webinar?


          * Full Name

          * Work Email

          * Are you using any Secrets Management solution? Which one?
