USA / Canada 866-503-1471
International +972-722-405-222
Now you can watch your ClearCase ClearQuest resources and related IT infrastructure resources in one dashboard, as well as get real-time email alerts. ALM Performance monitors many of your ClearCase components and IT infrastructure resources and alerts you when a service or component has stopped functioning, giving you key information and helping you get a root cause analysis immediately.
This solution will serve our customers very well!"
Howie Bernstein, Product Manager (2012-2015) - ClearCase, ClearQuest and Jazz Integrations, IBM Rational IBM Rational Software
It looks promising and I urge every Jenkins administrator to keep a close eye on this product"
Yossi Zinger, SCM leader, Algotec
Monitoring Jenkins and getting email alerts is very important whenever Jenkins is a critical part of your development supply chain, and this tool is very useful for that purpose"
Henrik Koren, DevOps leader, EMC XtremeIO
Agile ALM and DevOps requires excellent tooling and ALM Performance raises the bar in monitoring Jenkins, ClearCase and ClearQuest which are essential to creating the deployment pipeline"
Bob Aiello, DevOps expert and author of "Configuration Management Best Practices"