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What are Custom Fields and are there any in GitLab?

As you know, GitLab, among other things, offers Project Management / Issue Tracking capabilities.

One of the capabilities that these areas lack in GitLab is custom fields – that is, the ability to add custom fields of our own to better describe the feature or bug.

We came across a lot of clients who asked about this matter, and we helped many of them.

Apart from the possibility of building a process by connecting to dedicated issue tracking tools, such as Jira / ClearQuest / Taiga / OpenProject (so that the custom fields will be in the above tools and GitLab will only be used as an SCM tool and maybe also CI / CD), we recently helped a client add custom fields directly into the GitLab form, and this will be discussed in this article.

Adding a custom field into GitLab basically allows users to stay in one tool. It is also more convenient for users and DevOps / IT people who maintain one system instead of two.

Below is a demo video for the “Lab” field we added (with 3 options to choose from):

Custom Field Demo in GitLab:

In fact, you can control the form and add a variety of fields, such as dropdown lists (like above), checkbox fields, free text fields, and more.

In the example here we have added a dropdown list field called “Lab”, with 3 possible values ​​(click to enlarge):


We added the “Lab” field (it is not part of the original GitLab form). We attached a “closed” list of values ​​to it so that users could select only one of the values.

Similarly, you can also add fields on additional GitLab screens:

  • Merge Requests
  • GitLab CI
  • And more

Any questions? Need to know pricing or get a quote?

You can always contact us and we will be happy to answer: gitlab@almtoolbox.com or 866-503-147 (USA / Canada) or +972-722-240-5222 (International).
We offer planning together with the client, implementation of the solution and support for it over time if necessary.

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