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ClearCheck 2.9.5 is out. Look what’s new!

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we’ve released updated versions of our shipping products (ClearCheck 2.9.5).

ClearCheck provides comprehensive and continuous health checks for ClearCase VOBs and environments, contributing to business continuity and risk mitigation.

Even if you use ClearCase to maintain old \legacy projects, IBM still says that you must ensure that VOBs are healthy, as VOBs depend on hardware that can be broken (electricity outage, network outage etc.)

Special offer: We have some special offers for anyone who purchases our ClearCase add-on tools by 12/24/2014. Click here to learn more

Click to download trial version.

Watch a daily report produced by ClearCheck

What’s new in V2.9.5

In this version we focus on performance improvements.

As you know, ClearCheck running performance is based on ClearCase performance on your site.

We found a way to accelerate running time by 10 times! This is especially useful if you have thousands of VOBs or gigantic VOBs.

Several features have been added based upon customer request. Here are the new features:

  • Running time of VOB database consistency checks (“dbcheck”) on Windows has been decreased by a factor of 10 times. We could shrink it from 37 hours for a full cycle to less than 3 hours.

** Note: this requires free space and available memory (RAM).

  • NEW: When you schedule ClearCheck to run periodically, you can now control its priority status directly from ClearCheck dashboard. This enables you to better control its process and even accelerate running time. Available priorities are: Normal, Above Normal and High Priority.

Figure 1: Priority statuses

  • NEW: You can update the scheduled running time of ClearCheck from within its dashboard (you do not have to go to Windows Task Scheduler anymore).
  • A new log file that reports (in real-time) the progress of VOB scanning and checks. Remember that ClearCase health checks can take many hours (especially if you have gigantic VOBs or hundreds of VOBs). This new log shows starting time and end time for each check per VOB, and this enables the users and administrators to know the current status at all times. You can also check this log retrospectively to determine how longs the scan & checks for each VOB and for each check take. This also helps you plan the frequency of checks and better understand your server performance in regards to these checks. Click to see an example.
  • New feature in database consistency check (dbcheck) that supports scanning and analyzing VOBs even if they are stored or backed-up in more than one disk. This supports situations where you have to save VOBs or VOBs backup in separate disks (for many reasons – lack of space; redundancy; I/O performance etc.). ClearCheck now provides a list where you can specify all locations. During running, it looks for the VOB in all locations until it finds it (and then performs relevant checks). If the VOB is not found, it alerts about this. This feature works for Linux, UNIX and Windows VOB servers.

Figure 2: You can provide a list of all VOBs directory paths.

  • New feature that prevents overwriting an existing report (if filename already exists). In this case, it adds a sequence number at the end of the filename. For instance: if the report name should be clearcheck-12182014.pdf and filename is already exists, the name will be clearcheck-12182014(1).pdf. This feature is important in case you add a dynamic date variable as part of the filename (like many users do) and you run the report more than once a day.
  • New feature in GUI: You can see where the application is actually installed

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